Playing on Kangaroo Island and sand surfing

Women who have inspired me…(con’t)

Julie Trell
5 min readFeb 7, 2022


As a follow-on (and long overdue) update from my 2018 International Women’s Day post and the inspiration to join and realign with SheEO in the #IWD4ME campaign I open up my virtual pen and paper to draft the following: I’ve had this mindset for some time, and the SheEO team has articulated it and put it in action better than I could have: It’s time to flip the script on IWD and instead of asking women to work harder (speak on panels, write blogs, organise events, etc) we should take time out for ourselves.

So, with that inspiration and my preparation for “celebrating the day” (me), I’m teeing it up with two more subtle lessons from women in my orbit. (The first 4 lessons can be found in this blog)

5. Make others look good! (Another important improv principle)

If there is going to be another pandemic, the one I want to start is “Make others look and feel good.” Imagine one person on your team, or in that meeting, or around the dinner table or simply in your orbit chose to make YOU look good. That person gives you credit for an idea you shared or gave you extra space to explain a confusing concept or laughed at all your days' stories. And because this person did all this to make you look good, she looks look and feels good as well.

Simple. Viral. This kind of pandemic needs no vaccine.

Enter Sybil Williams. A serendipitous meeting through a mutual friend where we both secretly were enamoured with the work we each were respectively doing. At least a year of reciprocal Twitter follows, where she often reshared some of my posts. I know it sounds little, but those little things add up.

Fast forward to the puppy friendship, and while puppies make most everyone look and feel good, Sybil takes it to the next level. One always to say ‘yes and….’ she has always been there for me when I’m questioning my ability. She never judges, makes me feel less than, and regularly shares how grateful she is for our friendship. It’s absolutely reciprocal. Sybil is one to show up like this for anyone in her circle, in her family, and on her team.

Adventures with Sybil in Adelaide, Kangaroo Island, and Lockdown walks to the Opera House with all the dogs.

To have a friend, confidant and fellow dog lover who you always has your back (and a poo bag for your pup) makes getting up in the morning and showing up for the day all the more valuable. Not only can I trust she will be there when I need her (and I for her), she enthusiastically helps get me out of creative blocks by sitting with me and collaboratively solving challenges and trusting my own ability. I celebrate and am awe-struck how committed she is to me, HerShee, her family and the team she leads at her company Atomic Tangerine. All those in her path look and feel good because of Sybil. This kind of friendship and leadership is considered referent power- leading through trust and respect. So, it goes without saying, Sybil always looks good too!

6. Embrace the “mob” and First Nations scientists (Indigenous ways of being, doing, learning)

Thanks to Mikaela Jade, I’ve been lucky and privileged to jump back into my old comfort zone of the EdTech space AND get pushed out of my comfort zone to experience Indigenous protocols, culture, practice, and thinking. As Corporate Play Enabler with her company, Indigital, I get to use my HumanAPI superpower to grow their footprint to corporate customers. However, as I work with Mikaela and the mostly Indigenous team, I’m learning every day about my fixed ways of thinking and recognise that much of it underscores colonial ways of thinking. I am challenged to pause, listen, and reshape my colonial mentality.

Doing business where storytelling builds connection, caring for country is paramount, and protocol and practice have a place and a meaning in building community has helped shift the way I approach work. I am learning every day to decolonise my behaviour and recognise that systems change is needed. Mikaela has reminded me that Indigenous people who have been caring for the land for 65,000 years are the original scientists and have a lot of wisdom we need to be listening to and applying.

(Left) Indigital team in Dubai at the World Expo (2021); (Middle) Heading out for an incredible overnight in the Blue Mountains (2018); (Right) Post smoking ceremony before flying to Dubai (2021)

For this instalment of Women Who Have Inspired Me, I’ve chosen two incredible women who live their truth, support their community (mob), and are incredibly committed to making the world a better more understanding place. Sybil and Mikaela both inspire me and make me a better person.

While writing doesn’t always come easy for me*, shouting from the rooftops (or publishing a blog) about women who have supported me does. I encourage you to do the same for the women who have supported, inspired, opened doors, picked you up, held space, taught, and listened to you. No need to wait for International Women’s Day….

So, who are you celebrating?

  • thank you @Sybil for being both my subject and my editor and, of course, my friend



Julie Trell

Chief Play Officer, Enterprising Educator, Naive Expert, Creative THNKr, Authentic Connector, Light Bulb Turner-On, Avid Explorer