U. S Blues, Tissues, and Hillary

Julie Trell
2 min readNov 8, 2016

While I’ve commented, responded, and shared articles on other peoples’ FB walls or privately I’ve not yet posted on my own wall or blog regarding this election — until now.

I’ve been finding myself in spontaneous bouts of tears these past few days when thinking about the impact and uncertainty of tomorrow night’s results — some very happy tears — sometimes very scared tears. (#tissues). Because of this election, I fully appreciate and value the freedoms and experiences and people I have been blessed to grow up with, to learn from, and to grow from. I’ve also discovered the power of my own empathy (a superpower and kryptonite) trying to understand where others are coming from. And the importance of understanding and talking about how choices and opinions affect our future.

I’ve also found myself questioning my family tree as to whether or not there were some secret adoptions given I just don’t understand why we all don’t recognize the same possibilities that Hillary will embolden and the destruction Trump will create. (And what caused me to open that can of worms at a recent family event — #NoRegrets #ThankYouTequila) Alas, these familial political differences have also been eye-opening and even educational during this crazy election journey.

So, while listening to my Grateful Dead station and U.S. Blues comes on (along with my waterworks), I felt the need to sing it loudly and share where I stand and why. I am committed to Hillary and her ability to make a positive impact in the educational system, to be able to work effectively with both sides of the aisle, to ensure that what I do with my body is my choice, to remind the rest of the world that the US is still a country with a heart, a soul, and a brain, and that we are all human!

Enjoy the tune…..Please, sing along. Wave the flag. Grab a tissue! and VOTE!

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“Who would argue that we are a mish-mash of diverse cultures? This song refers to so much musical, theatrical, and political figures that we are left feeling both proud and somewhat bemused by our own past as a country.”




Julie Trell

Chief Play Officer, Enterprising Educator, Naive Expert, Creative THNKr, Authentic Connector, Light Bulb Turner-On, Avid Explorer