Philanthropy Inspirier, Enterprising Educator, Creative THNKr, Authentic Connector, Light Bulb Turner-On, Volunteer Energizer, Avid Explorer, Mary Poppins Wannabe.

This whole thing of #ItNeverHurtsToAsk is often uncomfortable but a muscle I'm working to strengthen. Yet as "they" say, discomfort is a sign of growth. So here I am, sitting in my discomfort asking for support if you feel I've helped or humoured you in any way throughout our relationship - a blog post, a connection, a giggle, a tweet, some guidance, an improv game, a speaking gig, a HerShee kiss. Humour me by helping to sustain my bank of personal and professional wellness in the form of a (virtual) coffee (or tequila) or simply some kind words. Your support will certainly contribute to a butterfly effect of positive impact!

Connect with Julie Trell
Julie Trell

Julie Trell

Chief Play Officer, Enterprising Educator, Naive Expert, Creative THNKr, Authentic Connector, Light Bulb Turner-On, Avid Explorer